
KAIROS : Why Not

Some links to remind me WHY NOT to support KAIROS :

...The December 19 Toronto Star article by Les Whittington describes Kairos: Working with 21 partner organizations around the world, KAIROS sponsors projects promoting social and economic justice in Africa, Asia, Latin American and the Middle East.

In a Dec 21 Star article Rosie DiManno writes that KAIROS, "has for decades been active in promoting "liberation theology" sponsoring and facilitating social, economic and ecological justice around the world, including the Middle East."

The KAIROS website reveals that the organization has a strong commitment to the global anti-aids movement, including repeated positive references to Stephen Lewis who has condemned Uganda's unwillingness to adopt the spectacularly failed condom strategy against aids and who is intensely pro-abortion...

..The organization promotes major actions to combat climate change. KAIROS is a co-signer to an open letter to Canada's Parliament titled "Supporting the Copenhagen Climate Bill" which states "Failure to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to catastrophic changes in our climate, threatening millions of people with drought, famine, extreme weather events and rising sea levels." Many of the co-signing groups are known strong supporters of population control...

..Leading KAIROS member Churches, the United Church of Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada, have a history of strong support for abortion access and for homosexual "marriage" and the acceptance of homosexual behaviour.

The Catholic Church does not NEED to be associated with groups that support anti-human projects, or groups that support groups that do. The Catholic Church does the most work in Africa (for example)in a completely human friendly and ethical and totally Catholic way.

ONLY GIVE MONEY TO PEOPLE THAT DON'T PROMOTE ANTI-PEOPLE AGENDAS - directly or indirectly. We are big enough, worldwide and effective enough to support only the best, without any compromise. Who does it serve to give money to unsavoury partners?

It doesn't serve God.

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