
Free Canada!

Kathy Shaidle is calling for a 'free Canada' blogburst. Election day seems an appropriate enough time to remind each other how Canadians USED to think. In the words of John Diefenbaker:

"I am a Canadian,
a free Canadian,
free to speak without fear,
free to worship God in my own way,
free to stand for what I think right,
free to oppose what I believe wrong,
free to choose those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold
for myself and for all mankind."

When voting ask yourself "What does this person believe about freedom. For all? For those he agrees with? When convenient? " "What has this person done to help FREE CANADA??"

If you find a politician who has done SOMETHING to help free Canada, let me know. I like to keep the good guys in my prayers.

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