
Don't Fund CCHD - Fund PRO-Life!

Catholic Bishops Urged to Take Collection for Pro-Life Work After Abortion Dustup
After a months-long dustup involving Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grants to pro-abortion organizations, a pro-life group is urging the nations Catholic bishops to consider putting together a national day in January to take a collection at churches for pro-life activities.

Several pro-life groups in a coalition have been monitoring CCHD grants and have caused some organizations to be de-funded as a result of their exposing their pro-abortion positions.

Now, Catholic Advocate is calling on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to launch a National Collection for Life on the weekend prior to the national March for Life.

"Creating a National Collection for Life will allow American Catholics to tangibly demonstrate the importance of building a culture of life in our society," Catholic Advocate vice president Matt Smith told LifeNews.com. "A consistent source of funds to national pro-life activities will open opportunities to promote the sanctity of life at all stages."

Catholic Advocate recommends proceeds from the collection be used to support the programs of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. The group says it will put together more specific proposals for the collections for the bishops as January 2011 approaches.

Catholic Advocate president Deal Hudson says the money would be spent well if it goes to support local pro-life efforts in communities across the country....

(h/t The Eponymous Flower)

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