
Supporting Abortion IS Pro-Abortion

Jeff Miller:

Having a conversation with an Obama supporter I heard yet again the argument "nobody is pro-abortion." This made me wonder just why it is that people who support legal abortion as an option don't want to be called pro-abortion? This seems to me to say quite a deal. If as they often contend that it is not a child and just a lump of tissue of the equivalent of a tadpole then what is the big deal if I or someone else call you pro-abortion. Why should their be any argument about this and why shouldn't they be proudly pro-abortion? If they are not pro-abortion then do they think they are anti-abortion? Is there a middle ground where you are neither for or against abortion? Don't think so.

Besides the definition of "pro" that applies is "an argument in favor of a course of action." If you say that abortion is an acceptable course of action then you are in fact pro-abortion. There is often an equivocation about letting it be a choice for somebody else to make. But again if you support somebody in their choice of action you are in favor of that action happening. If I said it was okay for an individual to choose to go around shooting people or not based on their preference, I would in fact be pro-murder even if I never shot someone myself.

I think abortion supporters get upset about being called pro-abortion because they do no really believe what they say they believe. Very few will admit that it is murder, but that they still believe the women has the right to murder in this circumstance. Instead they will talk about reducing abortion and never explain why "an acceptable moral choice" needs reducing. They will call abortion a right, but as others have noted can point to no other right that needs reducing. They set up a barricade of linguistic obstacles such as being pro-choice (they don't mind the "pro" in this case) as if anybody in the world was anti-choice. It is like saying you are pro-air. The reality of abortion must be obscured in a cloud of words so that what you say you are supporting doesn't sound all that bad. The morality of abortion in phrased in the circumstance of the pregnant women instead of addressing whether they are killing a person or not. The language used to defend abortion is deeply conflicted simply because the logic involved is conflicted as well.

Either dismembering a child in the womb is an acceptable moral act or it isn't. If you think it is then you are pro-abortion and should admit it.

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