
VOTF - Where does the 'Faithful' come in?

Deal Hudson:

"...This myth of a post-Vatican II Church is still believed by many lay Catholics because it is a constant drumbeat in most major Catholic institutions. It has become the "sacred deposit" of the institutional dissent that opposes the ban on contraception and abortion, promotes female priests and would "transform" the Catholic Church into a democratic body, ruled from below. As the VOTF ad puts it, "Laity would be fully involved in the decisions that impact the life of our parishes and our dioceses."

The claim that VOTF is a "worldwide movement of concerned mainstream Catholics" is hyperbole, unless you consider the combination of Boston, Long Island, and northern New Jersey "worldwide," and the few hundred VOTF activists and dissidents "mainstream."

But in spite of its inability to create a strong national organization, VOTF represents a deep inclination in most established Catholic institutions still controlled by the generation of Catholic leadership shaped by post-Vatican II dissent and its associated mythology..."

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