
New Tourist Destinations - Pakistan and Iran?

Straight from Bangladesh :

"A twenty-three day sojourn from Dhaka to London is quite on the cards within this year... The whole exercise will be facilitated under a proposed scheme sponsored by the United Nations, where Pakistan and Iran will link up their railway lines in the coming months to join the Indian subcontinent’s railway route to that of Europe for the first time."

This is the editorial page. Apparantly the editors can anticipate only good results.
They are also excited about .." a linking up of Myanmar and Thailand to the east ... to the extreme reaches of Asia and then Russia, Poland, Holland and London..."

Does anyone else see an obvious 'fly in the ointment?'

1 comment:

The Editors said...

Good blog. Great articles.
There is no such thing as the "Indian" Subcontinent. It is the south Asian Subcontinent.