Divine Mercy Novena
The Divine Mercy Novena
Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday. He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena, saving for the last day the most difficult intention of all, the lukewarm and indifferent of whom He said:
"These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy."
In her diary, St. Faustina wrote that Jesus told her:
"On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls."
The different souls prayed for on each day of the novena are:
DAY 1 (Good Friday) - All mankind, especially sinners
DAY 2 (Holy Saturday) - The souls of priests and religious
DAY 3 (Easter Sunday) - All devout and faithful souls
DAY 4 (Easter Monday) - Those who do not believe in Jesus and those who do not yet know Him
DAY 5 (Easter Tuesday) - The souls of separated brethren
DAY 6 (Easter Wednesday) - The meek and humble souls and the souls of children
DAY 7 (Easter Thursday) - The souls who especially venerate and glorify Jesus' mercy
DAY 8 (Easter Friday) - The souls who are detained in purgatory;
DAY 9 (Easter Saturday) - The souls who have become lukewarm.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy may also be offered each day for the day's intention, but is not strictly necessary to the Novena.
Full Intentions
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
"Love Song"
Third Day 'Love Song' put to clips from "The Passion of Christ"
Love Song - Third Day from Kevin Porter on Vimeo.
(Kevin Porter)
Love Song - Third Day from Kevin Porter on Vimeo.
(Kevin Porter)
Pastor Hoye Calls For End To Womb Lynchings
Jailed prayer warrior and life advocate Pastor Walter Hoye speaks from prison urging his fellow churchmen to speak out from the pulpit
600 Clergy Decry Notre Dame Obama Invite
The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, a national association of 600 priests and deacons, has issued a statement urging the University of Notre Dame to rescind the invitation to President Obama to be the commencement speaker for this year's graduation and receive an honorary law degree May 17...
..."If need be, a Catholic University must have the courage to speak uncomfortable truths which do not please public opinion, but which are necessary to safeguard the authentic good of society," the Pope wrote in the 1990 document, going on to cite the "responsibility to try to communicate to society ... principles which give full meaning to human life" as "a specific priority" of Catholic schools.
"The decision ... to afford an openly pro-abortion politician the privilege of speaking to graduating seniors at the commencement violates every principle of Catholic education insofar as it violates both Divine and Natural Law," said the Confraternity. "We are therefore saddened and outraged that any Catholic institution, let alone a prestigious university like Notre Dame, would afford a public gesture of acceptance and endorsement to a politician who openly supports the so-called legal 'right' to 'choose death', i.e., the direct killing of an unborn human being."
The Confraternity called the reasoning that the invitation would foster "dialogue" with the President on life issues "a non sequitur." "Speaking at Commencement is not an open debate, it is a monologue," said the clergymen. "Parents did not pay tuition for celebrities to speak at their son or daughter's graduation, they paid it to ensure a Catholic education."...
UNICEF - Making Friendly Advances To Ugandan Teens
UNICEF bypasses parents to distribute book 'explaining' homosexuality to teens, through 'teen peers'. Unicef excuses the action based on UN covenants of non-discrimination. Says 'teen peers' are a commonly used 'approach' .
Welcome to the world of indoctrination to one world view. Forget Ugandan culture or moral standards. Those are not the standards of the UN! The UN must 'help' other recalcitrant nations to follow the 'internationally accepted' standards of the UN! Standards such as the 'human right' of all homosexual behaviour to be affirmed as 'normal' and desirable, or the 'human right' to be preempted as a human being by being aborted in any country in the world.
New Vision, Uganda:
I'm sure this 'approach' will be a great help in Africa's fight against HIV/AIDS.
Meanwhile, 'intellectuals', politicians, and media hacks across the west, revile the 'teach abstinence as normal' approach that has proven successful in fighting AIDS - particularly in Uganda.
Those westerners must really love Africans, yes?
Welcome to the world of indoctrination to one world view. Forget Ugandan culture or moral standards. Those are not the standards of the UN! The UN must 'help' other recalcitrant nations to follow the 'internationally accepted' standards of the UN! Standards such as the 'human right' of all homosexual behaviour to be affirmed as 'normal' and desirable, or the 'human right' to be preempted as a human being by being aborted in any country in the world.
New Vision, Uganda:
...The United Nations children’s agency, UNICEF has come under sharp criticism for distributing in Uganda a teenagers’ guide book that says homosexuality is normal.
Parents complain that the book misguides the youth; ethics minister Nsaba Buturo calls it a disaster, and education ministry officials say they know nothing about it.
Fifteen thousand copies of The Teenagers Toolkit, were printed in 2002 and distributed in over 30 districts, according to UNICEF. The book, produced in collaboration with the UK-based Health Link World wide, aims at educating 15-19 year olds about their sexual and reproductive health....
...It reads: “Many people are sexually attracted to people of the same sex or attracted to both males and females. We are born with these feelings about who we like sexually, and who we do not like sexually – it is natural.”
The section adds, “It is quite normal when you are growing up to fall in love with someone of your own sex. This can happen even though you may grow up to have sexual feelings for the opposite sex, marry, and have children.”
It goes ahead to say, a peer educator can support someone who is not sure about their sexual feelings. The peer educators, says the book, can also support gay or lesbian teenagers who fear to tell others about their status. “The important thing is to be open minded and to show love and respect to all your friends.”
It is also mentioned that the only way anal sex is safe is for stopping pregnancy.
Michel Sidibe, the UNICEF representative in Uganda at the time, in the foreword, noted that the book would assist adolescent peer educators in their work of educating and influencing other young people on matters related to their health and development...
...."We parents are disgusted by these events. We feel terrible. How can our children be exposed to the gruesome mechanics of sex as expressed in this book?” asks Langa.
Langa said as a parents’ network they want to have a say in the sex education curriculum for children. “They are teaching sex education without morals. What messages are being passed on to our children? It is poison and for poison to kill, it doesn’t have to be given in large amounts.”
I'm sure this 'approach' will be a great help in Africa's fight against HIV/AIDS.
Meanwhile, 'intellectuals', politicians, and media hacks across the west, revile the 'teach abstinence as normal' approach that has proven successful in fighting AIDS - particularly in Uganda.
Those westerners must really love Africans, yes?
The Last Supper to the Ascension
A series of medievel paintings showing the events leading from the Last supper to the Ascension of Jesus
Social Rights, Or Not
Rachel Patterson at ASI writes :
Now they become an excuse for citizens to attack each other based on whose 'rights' have precedence. Now the basic human rights originally guaranteed are sublimated to the 'right of the week'. Free speech is being thrown aside for the sake of being 'non-offensive'. Freedom of religion must bow to gov't sponsored affirmation of homosexual behaviour. The right to life has been replaced by the right of the more powerful to snuff out the life of the vulnerable AT WHIM.
We are entering a very repressive age, calling itself tolerant, and revoking rights in the name of 'rights'.
...The term 'right' has come to characterize anything to which either the government or the citizenry feel they can make a fundamental claim to – but this is to express a deep misunderstanding of rights and their traditional link to civil liberties. Instead, a definition of rights has evolved which people almost universally accept but which remains false and untrue to their original intention. Rights began as protections against what the state could not do to a citizen; now they have become what the government must do for an individual....
Now they become an excuse for citizens to attack each other based on whose 'rights' have precedence. Now the basic human rights originally guaranteed are sublimated to the 'right of the week'. Free speech is being thrown aside for the sake of being 'non-offensive'. Freedom of religion must bow to gov't sponsored affirmation of homosexual behaviour. The right to life has been replaced by the right of the more powerful to snuff out the life of the vulnerable AT WHIM.
We are entering a very repressive age, calling itself tolerant, and revoking rights in the name of 'rights'.
Not The Only Idiot In Britain
Tony Blair believes that the Pope's 'attitude' towards homosexuality is a 'generational' issue. Who is responsible for this man's RCIA? His wife?!
... In separate media venues this week, former British Prime Minister and his wife have attacked Pope Benedict XIV and the Catholic teaching on homosexuality and the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS.
In an interview with Attitude, a homosexual magazine, Tony Blair said that Pope Benedict's objection to homosexual behaviour is a "generational" issue and that any change in Catholic teaching on the matter is resisted by Church leaders because of "fear" among religious leaders of changing with the times...
WHY DID HE BOTHER BECOMING A CATHOLIC? Really, what was the point ?
As Blair points out in the article, he is surrounded by 'Catholics' who do not believe church teachings on contraception, homosexuality or abortion. One of those 'Catholics' is his wife, Cherie Blair, vocal dissident and supporter of Planned Parenthood. Britain appears to be full of 'Catholics' with no idea of the meaning of BEING Catholic.
The new Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, has his hands full!
UN and Human Rights - A New Dictionary Please!
While the UN is very busy pushing a worldwide acceptance of abortion as a basic 'human right', and the 'human right' of homosexuals to be affirmed in their behaviour by every world citizen, they don't seem too concerned about anti-semitism. What the heck does 'human rights' even mean anymore!!
Kicking Israel Around [Anne Bayefsky]
Here is a window on the dirty game of U.N. politics that is laughably called “human rights.” The scene is the U.N.’s Palais des Nations, in Geneva, where negotiations are taking place over the final document to be adopted formally at Durban II, the U.N.’s “anti-racism” conference that begins on April 20. President Obama is desperate to avoid offending anybody who is not American, particularly Islamic states, so American officials remain tight-lipped about whether they will participate in Durban II or not. While Americans observe the planning sessions from the sidelines, this is what is happening in the pit.
The first issue discussed today was the central one for American participation. Israel was the only nation criticized by name in the 2001 Durban Declaration, which asserts that Palestinians are victims of Israeli racism. Although the Obama administration stated last month that it would not agree to “reaffirm the Durban Declaration in toto,” paragraph number 1 of the working draft of this year’s declaration “reaffirms the 2001 Durban Declaration as it was adopted.”
Today the European Union indicated that it is satisfied with this language and has no intention of proposing any modification that would bring the Americans onboard. Suggestions had been floating around to reaffirm only “the core provisions from 2001,” or to insert an explanatory footnote with reservations. None of this materialized. It turns out that the EU’s “who gives a damn about the U.S.” position is part of a deal struck with Islamic extremists. As long as the EU reaffirms the denunciation of Israeli racism in Durban I, Islamic states will refrain from introducing more racist-Israel language into Durban II. That’s how the EU does business: Forget the principle — just keep the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) happy.
The EU position should spell the end of Obama’s fence-sitting. The game is up; alleged Israeli racism is going to be “reaffirmed,” since not one country is prepared to oppose it.
Meanwhile, the idea of denouncing anti-semitism remains controversial. In this global proclamation about intolerance, there is only one draft paragraph among 141 that briefly mentions “anti-semitism,” and today the South Africans indicated they had problems with that paragraph. The Russian chair of the proceedings announced that he was delaying consideration of the subject and moving its discussion to an unrelated debate over paragraphs concerning freedom of expression.
What’s behind all this? The OIC countries are locked in a struggle with EU states over the ability to stifle free speech (such as “defaming” Islam) in the name of protecting religion. The Russian move helps the OIC nations by letting them use the anti-semitism clause as a bargaining chip, to be played in exchange for the EU’s allowing free-speech restrictions. In a related issue, the Danish are unhappy with the mention of something the U.N. invented called “anti-Arabism.” That phrase has been inserted in the paragraph about discrimination in the form of Islamophobia, Christianophobia and anti-semitism. But the rest of the EU has told the Danes to get lost, on the grounds that if the EU proposes deleting anti-Arabism, the OIC will insist on deleting anti-semitism. As EU officials explain to observers, “We want to show restraint.”
Restraint of course, is a one-way street at the U.N. So the Syrians duly proposed adding a denunciation of “foreign occupation” — a.k.a. Israel. Not one country objected to the Syrian proposal — not even Australia, which until now had not been intimidated by the anti-Israel and anti-democratic forces. According to U.N. rules, this means the proposed language will be added into the draft in “square brackets,” indicating that it is firmly in the mix for the purposes of future deal-making. Syria also said, “later on we will propose further amendments.”
Watching the U.N. conduct the business of human rights is revealing. It teaches us how negotiations between fascists and democrats proceed. Democrats “show restraint,” while fascists don’t care who they offend or what they say. And more often than not, Jews and the Jewish state are the political football. The farthest thing from this playing field is true concern over the protection of human rights.
— Anne Bayefsky is a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute and at Touro College, New York.
Meanwhile in Canada, the difference between a conservative approach to human rights and a liberal approach is the difference bewteen Canada's non-participation in Dubai under conservative PM Stephen Harper, and PM Paul Martin's (liberal) support of Tamil Tigers.
If only such a difference was obvious on Canadian soil, regarding human rights in Canada! Perhaps that's 'not an area of interest'.
Kicking Israel Around [Anne Bayefsky]
Here is a window on the dirty game of U.N. politics that is laughably called “human rights.” The scene is the U.N.’s Palais des Nations, in Geneva, where negotiations are taking place over the final document to be adopted formally at Durban II, the U.N.’s “anti-racism” conference that begins on April 20. President Obama is desperate to avoid offending anybody who is not American, particularly Islamic states, so American officials remain tight-lipped about whether they will participate in Durban II or not. While Americans observe the planning sessions from the sidelines, this is what is happening in the pit.
The first issue discussed today was the central one for American participation. Israel was the only nation criticized by name in the 2001 Durban Declaration, which asserts that Palestinians are victims of Israeli racism. Although the Obama administration stated last month that it would not agree to “reaffirm the Durban Declaration in toto,” paragraph number 1 of the working draft of this year’s declaration “reaffirms the 2001 Durban Declaration as it was adopted.”
Today the European Union indicated that it is satisfied with this language and has no intention of proposing any modification that would bring the Americans onboard. Suggestions had been floating around to reaffirm only “the core provisions from 2001,” or to insert an explanatory footnote with reservations. None of this materialized. It turns out that the EU’s “who gives a damn about the U.S.” position is part of a deal struck with Islamic extremists. As long as the EU reaffirms the denunciation of Israeli racism in Durban I, Islamic states will refrain from introducing more racist-Israel language into Durban II. That’s how the EU does business: Forget the principle — just keep the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) happy.
The EU position should spell the end of Obama’s fence-sitting. The game is up; alleged Israeli racism is going to be “reaffirmed,” since not one country is prepared to oppose it.
Meanwhile, the idea of denouncing anti-semitism remains controversial. In this global proclamation about intolerance, there is only one draft paragraph among 141 that briefly mentions “anti-semitism,” and today the South Africans indicated they had problems with that paragraph. The Russian chair of the proceedings announced that he was delaying consideration of the subject and moving its discussion to an unrelated debate over paragraphs concerning freedom of expression.
What’s behind all this? The OIC countries are locked in a struggle with EU states over the ability to stifle free speech (such as “defaming” Islam) in the name of protecting religion. The Russian move helps the OIC nations by letting them use the anti-semitism clause as a bargaining chip, to be played in exchange for the EU’s allowing free-speech restrictions. In a related issue, the Danish are unhappy with the mention of something the U.N. invented called “anti-Arabism.” That phrase has been inserted in the paragraph about discrimination in the form of Islamophobia, Christianophobia and anti-semitism. But the rest of the EU has told the Danes to get lost, on the grounds that if the EU proposes deleting anti-Arabism, the OIC will insist on deleting anti-semitism. As EU officials explain to observers, “We want to show restraint.”
Restraint of course, is a one-way street at the U.N. So the Syrians duly proposed adding a denunciation of “foreign occupation” — a.k.a. Israel. Not one country objected to the Syrian proposal — not even Australia, which until now had not been intimidated by the anti-Israel and anti-democratic forces. According to U.N. rules, this means the proposed language will be added into the draft in “square brackets,” indicating that it is firmly in the mix for the purposes of future deal-making. Syria also said, “later on we will propose further amendments.”
Watching the U.N. conduct the business of human rights is revealing. It teaches us how negotiations between fascists and democrats proceed. Democrats “show restraint,” while fascists don’t care who they offend or what they say. And more often than not, Jews and the Jewish state are the political football. The farthest thing from this playing field is true concern over the protection of human rights.
— Anne Bayefsky is a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute and at Touro College, New York.
Meanwhile in Canada, the difference between a conservative approach to human rights and a liberal approach is the difference bewteen Canada's non-participation in Dubai under conservative PM Stephen Harper, and PM Paul Martin's (liberal) support of Tamil Tigers.
If only such a difference was obvious on Canadian soil, regarding human rights in Canada! Perhaps that's 'not an area of interest'.
Up To Date Coverage of Notre Dame Disgrace
CatholiCity has a new webpage up with links to up to date articles on the notre Dame scandal. Here you may find speeches and letters by Cardinals, Bishops, priests, students, alumni, and others.
Pass It On.
Pass It On.
God Listens - 40 Days For Life Wraps Up
(from Julie Culshaw 40 Days For Life, Halifax, Canada via e-mail)
The latest campaign of 40 Days for Life closed yesterday. 135 cities in the United States, Canada, Australia and Northern Ireland took part in this campaign and 355 babies are known to have been saved from death.
In the last 20 months, since 40 Days became an international pro life campaign, there have been 466 campaigns in 240 cities in all 50 states,
plus Brazil, England, Northern Ireland, Australia and six cities in Canada. Over 200,000 people were involved in the prayer vigils, over 4000 churches of all denominations got involved, 17 abortion workers left their jobs and sought work elsewhere, 3 abortion clinics closed down completely after the prayer campaigns, many other clinics have scaled back their hours as business is down.
But the most amazing fact is that 1,483 lives were spared from abortion because of the cumulative imapct of the campaigns in the last 20 months. And those are only the ones that we know about. There are many more that we may never hear of, as women came to clinics, changed their minds without letting the vigil participants know, and went on to carry their babies to term.
This pro life movement is having tremendous impact on society in the Western World. This is the largest coordinated pro life campaign in history and the momentum is growing. People who have been longing to see the end of abortion are gaining hope as they hear the stories from these campaigns. And there is a renewed optimism that we can, in fact, DO something about abortion. We don't just have to wish it were different, we don't just have to bemoan the number of abortions, we can actually join all the thousands of other pro life people who are praying and those prayers are being heard.
God is faithful to us and is answering prayers. So for those who want to see an end to abortion, look at what is working right now! and join the next campaign.
I Love Being Catholic
(picture of Roman Catholic priest blessing palms, Palm Sunday, Manila)
I really do. I also love being Catholic in Cayman.
We had a lovely procession from the school to the church this morning. First Father blessed the palms. Several parishioners from Cayman's Phillipino community had added palms they had already folded into decorative designs - enough for quite a few of us to be able to share! They were very beautiful, and I couldn't help reflecting on the wonderful Catholic unity exemplified by our parish of St. Ignatius.
When we arrived at the church, near the end of the procession , it was to discover that there was standing room only! We have 5 Sunday Masses and all are full. Today we were overflowing. I'll gladly take having to stand in a full church, over a seat in an empty church!
I am a Christian. I Love Christ. And I Love being a part of His Church.
Palm Weaving
(palms in Mexico)
I really do. I also love being Catholic in Cayman.
We had a lovely procession from the school to the church this morning. First Father blessed the palms. Several parishioners from Cayman's Phillipino community had added palms they had already folded into decorative designs - enough for quite a few of us to be able to share! They were very beautiful, and I couldn't help reflecting on the wonderful Catholic unity exemplified by our parish of St. Ignatius.
When we arrived at the church, near the end of the procession , it was to discover that there was standing room only! We have 5 Sunday Masses and all are full. Today we were overflowing. I'll gladly take having to stand in a full church, over a seat in an empty church!
I am a Christian. I Love Christ. And I Love being a part of His Church.
Palm Weaving
(palms in Mexico)
"The Demographics of Abortion"
Joe Sobran:
(Joe Sobran is an author and a syndicated columnist.
...Obama is a clever fellow. He realized some time ago that if he wanted to be the first black American president, his best bet was to seek the nomination of the Democratic Party; and in order to do that, he would have to be pro-abortion.
Now of course most blacks don’t like abortion. They know, or at least sense, its reality: white abortionists getting rich killing nonwhite babies. The profits are so big because the overhead is so low. Aborting a child requires very little medical skill, and most doctors won’t do it. Yet this aspect is rarely discussed. To hear liberals talk about it, you could get the impression that abortion is just an abstract matter of individual rights, or “choice.” But back here on earth, its net result is to depress the nonwhite population in this country. Some of its supporters also argue that it depresses the crime rate too, but they seldom refer to the racial angle, at least in public.
So our first black president got where he is by taking a profoundly antiblack position in order to gain the favor of liberals in his party. After all, liberals don’t call the killing of the unborn “racism” or “genocide”; they don’t even call it “killing.”...
(Joe Sobran is an author and a syndicated columnist.
Barely Human
I would like to call these people 'Not Quite Human', but I do believe in God the Creator and Christ's sacrificial act of redemption, so I therefore believe that they were conceived human, and have human potential. They are 'Barely Human' .
US News, PBS Media HostBonnie Erbe explains why increasing abortion numbers is a 'good' :
US PresidentBarack Obama has accumulated quite a list of God defying anti-life actions in a very short time:
Katherine Hancock Ragsdale Episcopalian minister, preaches 'Abortion is a Blessing':
Ludwig Minelli Dignitas founder, advocates 'assisted suicide' for the healthy:
Obviously not a complete list, but you get the idea.
To be truly and authentically human, we must be as God created us - in His image . Being truly human is possible only through Jesus, who is what Pope Benedict calls “the measure of true humanism.”
Those who deny God, by denying the inherent value of human life - the life He created in His own image - are barely human themselves.
US News, PBS Media HostBonnie Erbe explains why increasing abortion numbers is a 'good' :
..."The recession is driving American demand for contraception and for abortions. The media have been riven this past week with stories about the rising number of couples and single mothers doing the math and deciding this is no time to bring a child into the world," Erbe writes.
"The media have also been rife with stories portraying this trend as something of a tragedy," she continues. "Let me propose a counter view: it is not"....
US PresidentBarack Obama has accumulated quite a list of God defying anti-life actions in a very short time:
...The following is a compilation of bill signings, speeches, appointments and other actions that President Barack Obama has engaged in that have promoted abortion before and during his presidency. While Obama has promised to reduce abortions and some of his supporters believe that will happen, this long list proves his only agenda is promoting more abortions....
Katherine Hancock Ragsdale Episcopalian minister, preaches 'Abortion is a Blessing':
...In her sermon, Ragsdale denied the assertions of some "progressive" clergy who call abortion a "tragedy," saying abortion is instead a "blessing." "When a woman finds herself pregnant due to violence and chooses an abortion," she said, "it is the violence that is the tragedy; the abortion is a blessing."
She described various situations in which "abortion is a blessing", including in cases of foetal "anomalies," rape or incest, material poverty and "lack of social support."
"When a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion - there is not a tragedy in sight -- only blessing."...
Ludwig Minelli Dignitas founder, advocates 'assisted suicide' for the healthy:
...The founder of Dignitas, the pro-euthanasia group that operates the Switzerland-based euthanasia clinic, has revealed plans to kill a healthy woman in an assisted suicide. Backers of the practice claim they want suicides for terminally ill patients and the elderly, but they are pushing the envelope even further.
Ludwig Minelli calls killing a healthy patient a "marvelous opportunity" and says assisted suicide should no longer be reserved for the disabled or very ill patients...
Obviously not a complete list, but you get the idea.
To be truly and authentically human, we must be as God created us - in His image . Being truly human is possible only through Jesus, who is what Pope Benedict calls “the measure of true humanism.”
Those who deny God, by denying the inherent value of human life - the life He created in His own image - are barely human themselves.
William Daley, "Chicago Catholic" , Embarrassed (Oh Woe!)
Father John Zuhlsdorf comments on Daley's 'bad catholic' response to Catholic outrage over honouring the dishonorable at Notre Dame. He points out the false premises and corrupt thinking of a man who is more 'Chicago' than he is a Christian. That does not a 'good Catholic' make!
Father Z goes on to take Daley's 'complaint' apart - line by line. A great read!
...A main talking point clutched by Catholics who are trying to defend the invitation by Notre Shame to Pres. Obama is that disapprobation of the invitation is really political.
That is because the defenders of the invitation are long-habituated to reducing what are really questions of faith and reason to politics.
With that in mind, let’s see what a long-time Chicago Democrat politician, not coincidentally named "Daley", brother of the current Mayor of Chicago, Pres. Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, chairman of Vice-Pres. Gore’s campaign, supporter of Pres. Obama, the Loyola University educated William M. Daley has to say.
He is the ultimate Catholic Democrat/Obama insider....
Father Z goes on to take Daley's 'complaint' apart - line by line. A great read!
"Bare Minimum Catholics"
...This “Get Religion” writer calls a recent Gallup Poll further confirmation that there are four Catholic voter blocs. He identifies them this way:
—“Ex-Catholics. Solid for the Democrats.”
—“Cultural Catholics who may go to church a few times a year. This may be an undecided voter, but this vote leans to Democrats.”
—“Sunday-morning American Catholics. This voter is a regular in the pew and may even play some leadership role in the parish. This is the true Catholic swing vote.”
—“The ‘sweats the details’ Roman Catholic who goes to confession, is active in the full sacramental life of the parish and almost always backs the Vatican on doctrinal matters. This group is a small slice of the American Catholic pie.”
Let’s rename and redefine that last category. Instead of “sweats the details” Catholics, let’s call them:
Bare minimum Catholics. Catholics who at least follow the ‘indispensable minimum’: the precepts of the Church....
Day 40 - 40 Days For Life
Let us keep our eyes fixed on the New Jerusalem, where death will be no more.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"
--Revelation 21:4-5
Every activity we undertake in defense of the sanctity of life is prophetic, inasmuch as it points to the day when "death will be no more." Every victory we have when an act of abortion is prevented is prophetic of that day when death itself will be definitively conquered. Every triumph of grace in this world, whereby someone is brought to see the value of life and given the strength to welcome it, is a breaking into our history of that definitive future in which the old order of things will have passed, and all things will be made new.
As pro-life warriors, we must keep our eyes fixed on heaven, and our hearts secure in the hope that the day is coming when all evil will be conquered. It is the future that shapes the present; it is victory that informs the battle; it is the destination that determines the journey.
Daily, we are called to reflect on heaven. When we weep, we are to think of the day when every tear will be wiped away. When we face the destructive power of death, we are to think of the day when death is swallowed up in victory. When we labor against abortion, we are to think of the day when we will have the rest and peace of the final triumph of life. Heaven is as real as earth, and its joys will be as real as our present sorrows.
Father, you are the God of hope. Your word fills us with the vision of the world to come, when every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more. Father, how we need that hope, how we are strengthened by that vision! Keep our hearts focused on heaven, and diligent in the labors of earth. As we struggle against the culture of death, root our souls in the assurance of victory. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life and President, National Pro-life Religious Council
40 Days For Life
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