
Princeton 'Theological' Seminary Silences Prolife Student

Nat'l pro-life leaders, Black community respond to student's persecution at Princeton

"National Pro-Life and Black Community Leaders responded today to Princeton University's persecution of a pro-life student who has been passing out informative literature on Black Genocide. The student advertised Maafa 21, a recent Life Dynamics movie on the history of Black Genocide, by posting flyers and hosting screenings of the movie on campus, while also passing out Human Life Review literature to educate her peers..."


40 Days For Life - Day 18


"Many of you have said that you fervently believe that it's God's will that this work continue and that it must grow. There are two important things you can do to help make that happen.

The first way you can contribute to the future of this mission is through your continued prayer. In addition, the coordination and growth of the 40 Days for Life effort will require financial assistance.

40 Days for Life was incorporated as a non-profit organization in order to accept contributions to fund this work. You are prayerfully invited to support the life-saving mission of 40 Days for Life. "

Day 18 Devotional



40 Days For Life - Day 17


"If you ever doubt that we can bring an end to this culture of death, this destruction of the family, this destruction of life by abortion, if you ever think for a moment that it's impossible, then ask yourself this: Can a man who has been scourged, crowned with thorns, nailed hands and feet to a cross, pierced with a lance, has died and been buried; can such a man ever live again?"

Day 17 Devotional


The Wonderful Yes



Tale of Two Bishops


                                 (Archbishop Predergast leading his flock.)

Archbishop Terrence Prendergast has reaffirmed his support for the National March For Life, despite the probable use of graphic images by some attendees. This comes on the heels of a statement by Archbishop Richard Smith announcing the Alberta bishops boycott of the provincial March For Life, as a protest against the use of graphic images of abortion.

Who is being a true shepherd? Can both be right?

I think if we read the balanced approach of Archbishop Prendergast we recognize that he not only supports lay people and the fight against abortion but also freedom of expression and an openminded approach to advocacy for the unborn. Contrasted with Archbishop Smith's ultimately damaging approach, Ottawa would seem to have a more trusting and trust worthy shepherd.

The Alberta bishops are particularly unhelpful and disappointing. The prolife youth in Alberta have recently been in legal difficulties at the Univ. of Calgary for using graphic images in their advocacy. The Alberta bishops are behaving as if they are too delicate to be able to understand an approach they find personally upsetting. They admit that the organizers of the Alberta MFL have not refused to guarantee no graphic images will be used, but simply cannot guarantee it. Still they boycott. They make a pretense of having serious philosophical problems with the display of graphic images, such that they cannot bear to be associated with them - that it would be WRONG to do so. This is confusing, since they say they are not interfering with the attendance of the March by their flock . Is it wrong or not?

Compared to Archbishop Prendergast's approach, the Alberta bishops look suspiciously like they are being only politically correct. Not wanting to judge the bishops, I admit there's a possibility they are merely being naive. Perhaps they are not aware that their boycott gives power to advocates FOR abortion and will be used against the ecumenical lay efforts of their community. (Can they be so naive?)

Who knows why dioceses of Canada that need particular help with faithfulness, have bishops who bring mixed messages at best.

Let us hope and pray that Canada receives the help of more and more bishops like Archbishop Terrence Prendergast (Ottawa) and Archbishop Thomas Collins (Toronto) - because Canada could surely use an upgrade in Catholic teaching and practice.


40 Days For Life - Day 16


"Often the womb has been referred to as the 'first home of the whole human race.' It is the place where life begins, where our stories start. In the womb the great men and women of history began their magnificent march through life. In the womb Divinity met humanity, and God the Son was born into the world."

Day 16 Devotional


US Accused of Lying To Secure Support For Gay 'Rights' Declaration


In their statement in support of the “sexual orientation” declaration, the US stated that it was proud to join in support of “LGBT rights”, which the delegate likened to the struggle for democracy in parts of the world, including the Middle East. In a press release issued today, the US touted its role in securing 20 additional countries to sign onto this year’s declaration, who had not signed onto the 2008 or 2006 statements.

Which apparently they acquired by lying, through a series of meetings, to the Latin American delegates, telling them that the Vatican had changed its opposition to the declaration. US officials acknowledge they had meetings, but deny lying... they only IMPLIED that the Vatican was now in agreement.

"..they were only told that the Holy See was against violence against all individuals including those based on their sexual orientation."

Archbishop Tomasi clarifies the Vatican's actual stand :

“Human sexuality, like any voluntary activity, possesses a moral dimension,” said Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, on behalf of the Holy See. “It is an activity which puts the individual will at the service of a finality; it is not an “identity”. In other words, it comes from the action and not from the being, even though some tendencies or “sexual orientations” may have deep roots in the personality. Denying the moral dimension of sexuality leads to denying the freedom of the person in this matter, and undermines ultimately his/her ontological dignity,” said Tomasi.

UN Human rights - rights without the freedom 'to be' or the dignity 'of being' more than a body with bodily functions . A world where the human being is just a body - and only some bodies are valuable. Gays ,apparently , are somebodies - but only when 'being' gay? Perhaps you are only a 'somebody' if you are having sex. That fits with current attitudes towards the unborn, the old, sick, disabled or poor(except those having sex- they are very interested in those bodies).



LifeSiteNews Story Inspires Int'l Effort

LifeSiteNews prints the stories we never read in the secular media. The secular media have a perspective that does not revere life... more than that , it has an agenda to depreciate the value of life.

Thanks to LifeSiteNews taking an interest in the Maraachli family's struggle against the 'omnipotence' of the Canadian medical society and the shallow inhumanity of a Canadian judge, prayer warriors and life activists leapt to the aid of 'Baby Joseph'.


The anti-euthanasia leader (Alex Schadenberg) says that our Feb. 17 article “launched the world-wide concern for baby Joseph.” After that, he says, “LifeSiteNews continued to publish daily articles that were accurate and they led the world-wide media in covering the baby Joseph story.”

Indeed, perhaps none of our recent stories illustrates better just what kind of impact LSN can have - literally saving lives - by simply by publishing the truth...

...Only at LSN did readers find the original interview with expert and pioneer neonatologist Dr. Paul Byrne, a champion for families fighting for appropriate care, who insisted that Joseph should have had the tracheotomy all along. Dr. Byrne pointed out that in 40 years of neonatology he has “never seen a time to turn off a ventilator.”

If a baby has a disease process that’s so bad that they’re going to die, then they die on the ventilator anyway,” he said.

These men and women have the right idea about journalism. They present the facts. Sometimes the facts are ugly, sometimes unflattering, sometimes frightening- they tell us what we need to know, so that we can take action. (Exactly why others DO NOT give us the facts!)



40 Days For Life - Day 15

..."Kitchener also recounts the story of a baby saved during 40 Days for Life. “We’ve received direct confirmation that a baby’s life was saved as a result of our peaceful prayer vigil at the Freeport Hospital abortion facility,” reported the group.

Last Wednesday, a lady approached the prayer volunteers after parking her car behind the prayer zone. The participants were concerned she had come to complain about their witness. “When the lady got to our prayer volunteer,” organizers recounted, “she explained to him that thanks to our 40 Days For Life prayerful witness, her 19-year old daughter changed her mind about having an abortion.”

The turnaround happened during Kitchener’s first 40 Days campaign in the fall of 2009. “The baby has already been born and is thriving somewhere in our community, bringing joy to its mother ... and grandmother!” participants said.

The 40 Days campaign is being hosted in 10 Canadian cities, as well as hundreds of cities in the U.S. and around the world..."

Day 15 Devotional



Promoting Eucharistic Adoration & Miracles Exhibit

Promoting Eucharistic Adoration & Miracles Exhibit

AdorationU.com from Cardinal Newman Society on Vimeo.

"Italian Teen Shows Us Why Eucharistic Miracles Matter"
...The power of such miracles, recorded for many centuries in the church, was apparent to Carlo Acutis, a 15-year-old boy in Milan, Italy. He compiled what has become the Vatican International Exhibition of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World that is now touring many countries. The exhibit is also traveling in the Diocese of Charleston.

Carlo’s faith is astounding when we learn that with some assistance from his mother, Antonia Salzano Acutis, a curator at the Pontifical Academy Cultorum Martyrum in Rome, the teen researched the entire collection of 140 officially recognized eucharistic miracles and arranged them in exhibition form...


"I'm Able To Model"


(Katie Fitzpatrick Photo by James Horan/Collins)

A new modelling agency to feature models with Down Syndrome launched in Dublin, on World Down Syndrome Day:

...“When our members came out on the catwalk, the place just erupted. It added so much to the event. It just struck me at the time that our young people got so much out of it and it benefited everyone. It showed that young people come in all shapes and sizes, and those with Down syndrome can participate alongside their peers.

She said she approached Jules Fallon of the First Option modelling agency, who was “completely open to it”.

A day’s casting has resulted in an agency with 20 models, including children, teenagers and adults, on the books...

( info@geminimodels.com in Kitchener, ON, Canada)

40 Days For Life - Day 14

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

-- Matthew 11:28

College Park, Maryland

...Eventually, the building opened, and the couple went in.

Two hours later, they came out — to get more information. “Can I ask you a personal question?” the volunteer said to the woman. “Were you thinking about getting an abortion?”

“Yes, I was thinking about it. But now I’m not going to get one,” she answered.

What changed her mind? “That booklet,” she said. “I didn’t know the baby looked like that and was that size.”

So far this campaign, "40 Days For Life" has saved 101 lives - that they know of! Keep supporting them with your prayers!

Day 14 Devotional



World Down Syndrome Day - March 21


(h/t mommylife)

WDSD Website

40 Days For Life - Day 13

"Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of most difficult things you could ask of us. Please remind us that this is how you love and that if you ask it of us then you will give us the grace to do it. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen."

Day 13 Devotional



"Who Is Baby Joseph, And Why Should I Care?"

Fr. Frank Pavone

The world has taken notice of a 14-month old baby from Canada whose family has been fighting the medical establishment since October to help their child breathe. Moe and Sana Maraachli were refused a tracheotomy for their son because the apparently fatal neurological disease that the child has renders further intervention “futile.”

Working with many others, we at Priests for Life arranged to have the baby transferred to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St Louis, and I went on the medical jet to pick up the baby and his father on Sunday night March 13. Now, the child has another chance at getting better care, and the family another chance at maximizing the time they can spend with their child.

A lot of media has accompanied the event. One reporter who was not too interested in covering the story asked, “Who the hell is Baby Joseph and why should I care?”

The short answer is, Baby Joseph is all of us.

After all, the problem underlying this case is not simply one particular hospital or the Canadian medical system. The problem is a philosophy of life that says that how valuable you are depends on how well you function. The problem is a philosophy of medicine that says that if someone is going to die anyway, there’s no benefit in prolonging life. The problem is a philosophy of suffering that says we can actually determine what somebody else’s level of happiness is, and measure their misery, and that if they don’t have the good sense to eliminate it, we can step in and do so against their wishes.

If we don’t think that we and our loved ones will be affected by this philosophy when it comes to our own medical challenges and decisions, we should think again. It’s happening every day, often with subtle or not so subtle pressure from medical professionals, who, instead of rendering medical judgments, render value judgments. Doctors are not supposed to judge for us the “meaning” or “value” of extending the life of a loved one, or our own life. Rather, they are supposed to judge for us whether a particular treatment or intervention will have certain effects on a loved one or on us. They need to leave it to us, in consultation with our family and clergy, to determine what meaning or value we find in the situation.

This is what the parents of Baby Joseph, together with Priests for Life and many others, are trying to say. Baby Joseph’s parents, who want to care for him no matter how long or short his life may be, were told that this life wasn’t worth extending. It’s time to draw a line in the sand and tell the medical profession that this is not their role. “Life not worth living” belongs to a philosophy that led to one of the world’s greatest holocausts, which ended with the declaration “Never Again.”

Our efforts on behalf of Baby Joseph can actually be summarized by those two words.

more pictures


40 Days For Life - Day 12

"Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. I have no new teaching for America. I seek only to recall you to faithfulness to what you once taught the world. Your nation was founded on the proposition very old as a moral precept, but startling and innovative as a political insight that human life is a gift of immeasurable worth, and that it deserves, always and everywhere, to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect." (Mother Teresa)

Day 12 Devotional