
Reflections For Second Sunday of Lent

From Archbishop Terrence Prendergast :

Here are some reflections on the readings for this Second Sunday of Lent, which always features the Lord's Transfiguration to strengthen his followers in their journey of inner renewal during this holy season:

"HE WILL TRANSFORM THE BODY OF OUR HUMILIATION" [Texts: Genesis 15:5-12,17-18 (Psalm 27); Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 9:28b-36]

What to make of the mystery of the Transfiguration? This remains a puzzle in New Testament research and in Christian spirituality.

Some scholars detect in the Transfiguration story features found in the Resurrection appearances breaking into the public ministry of Jesus (e.g., white garments, the shining of the garments, fear).

In the post-Easter narratives, however, an angel or Jesus generally gives specific individuals a commission to proclaim the Resurrection. By contrast, after the Transfiguration, a command to silence is given the disciples by Jesus in the gospels of Mark and Matthew. Luke simply observes that 'the disciples kept silent and in those days told no one any of the things they had seen'....

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