
Univ. Of Calgary Student Leaders Embarrassingly Conformist

Student 'leaders' following the lead of the administration's repressive PC tactics, banishes a prolife group over free speech.
...After a ten-minute hearing Tuesday, the University of Calgary's Students' Union voted to de-sanction the school's pro-life club, thereby barring the club from using campus facilities or receiving SU funding.

The hearing followed the refusal of the pro-life group to hide a Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) pro-life display on the campus in November, when ordered to do so by the University's administration. The club has erected the display, which shows images of abortion victims alongside other genocide victims, without incident several times in the past.

The University recently charged a number of its own students for "trespassing" because of their participation in the display...

... "I would like to ask [the Students' Union]: since when did official communications from the University regarding an arbitrary limitation placed on a specific club become justification for desanctioning our club and not supporting our right to free speech?" said Campbell.

CPL president Leah Hallman told the Herald before the hearing that a de-sanctioning would not mean the end of the pro-life club, though it would "make things much more difficult for us."...

University of Calgary's 'students' union is typical of the generation brought up in Canadian schools and with Canadian media the past 20 years. They do not know the value of free speech, or apparently, the value of a human life.

Great job Canada!

Luckily, some families managed to raise independent thinkers with fortitude and a knowledge of basic principles of freedom and humanity. These will be the leaders to look to in the future, the ones we'll be counting on to protect us in our dotage, from the 'shut up and die already' University of Calgary graduates.

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