
Day Garner's Response To Obama

Day Garner tells of her reaction to the Obama election over at Jill Stanek. Garner is the leader of the National Black Pro-Life Union, and has worked tirelessly to educate American blacks about the genocide happening in their own country, supported by Obama.

I couldn't eat! The day after the election I stayed balled up in bed for half the day, which is very unusual for me. I'm usually up at 5am every day, 6am on weekends. I was so terribly sad.

I finally got up and with great panic started searching my Bible for Scripture and I prayed and prayed, face down on the floor. With every prayer and Bible reading I became strengthened, but just a little bit at a time.

Still shaken, I started calling my best and closest pro-life friends. First on my list was Alveda King [pro-life leader and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King]. While she also admitted to a deep sadness, she reminded me we must not limit God. Others I called had similar things to say and offering Scripture.

If we believe God is who He says He is, then we must also believes He knows who Barack is and what is at stake in an Obama presidency.

GOD has comforted me, mended my heart and strengthened me. I thank my LORD and SAVIOR for such loving sisters and brothers in CHRIST.

And I thank you, Jill. Reading the article this morning reminded me again that we have a big fight ahead of us, but we serve a big God - the BIGGEST!

I am happy God has chosen us to serve in this fight, this great mission.

Previous posts:

National Black Pro-Life Union

40 Days For Life - Day Garner

African American Pastors Reject Eugenics

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