
New Brunswick Taxpayers Being Asked (Again) To Pay For Private Abortions

...After having been granted "public-interest standing" to proceed in his lawsuit against the Province of New Brunswick in August, 2008, abortionist Henry Morgentaler is before the court today pursuing his goal of making New Brunswick taxpayers pay for abortions in his abortion center.

New Brunswick is the only province in Canada that has a private abortion facility that is not publicly funded *....

...Peter Ryan, the Executive Director of New Brunswick Right to Life, commented on the case, saying, "I think it is most unlikely the people of New Brunswick will ever pay Morgentaler to kill our province's unborn babies on demand. Our Province needs to stand firm in this matter, and I am very hopeful they will do so.

"Regrettably, however, we can have no confidence in the judicial process underway," he added. "It is a travesty that no pro-life group representing unborn babies or their mothers has been allowed to take part in the trial. The exclusion in my view reflects both narrow mindedness and bias on the part of New Brunswick courts."

Mr. Ryan's office is next door to Morgentaler's clinic. He has prayed for, educated and witnessed daily the pregnant victims of Canada's most reprehensible and infamous 'hero', 'Dr' Henry Morgentaler.

*PEI has no private abortion clinics.

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Joe said...

Henry Morgentaler is an unspeakable criminal abortionist who should receive taxpayers' money in only one way: to pay for his life imprisonment for the horrific crimes he has committed against helpless and innocent human beings.

Why Stephen Harper, his government and the people of Canada allow these abortion killings to go on is simply beyond me.

island breezes said...

They not only 'allow', but Stephen Harper tells us it it 'not in his area of interest'!