
Refresher Course on Death Promoters UNFPA

Population Research Institute (PRI) is active in monitoring funds, governments, and organizations that support active population control (as opposed to freedom). In an article from Feb.10,2006 we are reminded of exactly what the United Nations Population Fund supports:

"...On January 30(2006), the New York-based Executive Board of the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) approved, as UNFPA itself put it, "the sixth UNFPA
programme of assistance to China, totaling $27 million over five years.
As they did so, board members and other United Nations countries praised
UNFPA as a 'force for good' that promotes and protects human rights,
implicitly repudiating a claim that the Fund abets coercive practices."
That last clause refers to the Bush Administration, which has withheld
American money from UNFPA because of its assistance to the Chinese
population control effort. In China, women and their husbands are
severely penalized for having more than their quota of one or two
children. UNFPA officials do not directly engage in the forced abortion
and sterilization practices of the Chinese regime, but subsidize them with
its financial and technical assistance to Chinese population control

As previously posted, the US has denied funding for Marie Stopes Int'l , based on their cooperation with UNFPA.

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