
40 Days For Life - Day 2

(photo by tiare scott )
Smiling Baby - Coco Isabella

...Kuennen said Wednesday that she appreciates how low-key and peaceful the vigil began, because the clinic is occasionally picketed by very vocal abortion opponents carrying pictures of aborted fetuses.

"I understand and appreciate that their values are different," she said. "It makes sense that they need to express that. I'm not always thrilled with the way it gets expressed."

Rotering said the Bible commands Christians to be peaceful.

"That's God's way," she said. "He's in charge."

Prayer will ultimately defeat the practice of abortion across the world, Rotering said.

"You want power? You start praying," she said. "You'll see power."

Kuennen knows the prayers will be uttered for the unborn and for the clinic's clients. She hopes a few are reserved for one more group.

"Hopefully," she said, "all of us, too."

Shane Higoe,Sydney:
The first Sydney 40 Days Lenten campaign last year most significantly captured the hearts of many young adults and it was quite remarkable that at any one time you could turn up at 40 Days corner in Surry Hills and see fresh faced 20 something’s praying and giving witness to the sanctity of life.
You could see the objectionable glares from people were often muted as their eyes caste around the vigilers observing that there were a number of young women not standing for the false pernicious slogan of ‘choice’ but giving heartfelt witness to life for the unborn and a genuine womanhood based on Christ and His Church.

Day 2 Devotional


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