
Why New Orders Flourish

And the 'old' Nuns are well, dying out. Its the difference between Faithful exuberance and bitter self absorbtion.

From the DenverPost Letters:

As Catholics and supporters of Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy, we appreciate Archbishop Charles Chaput’s clarification in Sunday’s Post that he is speaking as a private citizen when he takes issue with Sen. Obama and his supporters.

We had supposed that since the official archdiocesan newspaper last week included a voter guide supporting John McCain from a group calling itself Colorado Family Institute (different from the guide promoted by the U.S. bishops), the archbishop might, perhaps, be attempting to influence the choices of Catholic voters.

We honor the archbishop’s right to support the candidates and issues he believes best represent his deepest values, and applaud his recognition that not all Catholics will make his choices their own.

We also appreciate the respect for primacy of conscience in our decision-making, as enunciated by Josef Ratzinger, now our current pope, Benedict XVI, who wrote: “Over the pope, as the expression of the binding claim of ecclesiastical authority, there still stands one’s own conscience, which must be obeyed before all else — if necessary, even against the requirement of ecclesiastical authority.”

We are making our ballot choices as adults and as faithful citizens who have weighed the issues in light of the gospels and the justice teachings of our church. We encourage all Catholics to do likewise.

Sister Mary A. Coyle, Denver
Sister Mary Ann Cunningham, Denver

(h/t american papist)

Talking out both sides of their mouths, these fine examples of liberal rot have chosen to create their own catecheses. Good for them. Its obviously serving them well.

Thank God for ArchBishop Charles Chaput, standing up for truth and guiding his flock, as he should. Not forcing, but instructing. There aren't two kinds of Catholics. You either believe and love, or you don't. The rest are pretenders. This doesn't mean everybody agrees. It means all Catholics have the same Truth as the centre of their lives, and puts their love of God above all else .

Sorry 'Sisters', there's a good reason the young women aren't flocking to you!!

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