
"Powell For Obama" - Perspective

While listening to Powell make the announcement, it seemed to me he was saying "Its very important to world peace and the image of America, that we have a black President now". More important than the genocide of blacks IN America?

American Catholic:"To tell the truth, although Powell is a Republican, I am not surprised. I am shocked and saddened though that another African American political figure has decided to support the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the US. Does Gen. Powell not know of the genocide of his people, not in Darfur but here in the abortion mills of America? As I stated months ago on my personal blog, as much as I would love to see a black President I can never support an African American candidate like Obama. Despite his smooth words, his downright hostility to the pro-Life cause is sickening and keeps me from ever supporting him, even if I agreed with his other economic and social policies. It saddens me to see that so few of the black electorate and elected officials care at all that the future of their community destroyed."

Booker Rising:(J.B.White)""You see, the problem we have in the black community (and the problem the nation has overall) is the universally accepted academic concept known in the black community as the Talented Tenth (and associated with W.E.B. DuBois). It took me years to realize this concept has no faith in the average man or woman (this is why DuBois opposed Booker T. Washington, who had complete faith in the average man and woman). It dictates that we be led from above. By our betters, and betters is defined as the more book-smart. Do you see the problem here? Do you see the plantation? The susceptibility to totalitarian instincts and the requirement to act as a herd? And it runs contrary to the concept of America, does it not? Peggy Noonan, George Will, David Brooks, David Frum et al. -- they have that same mentality. There is a vibe in the black community that is completely rattled by Sarah Palin. In actual, objective fact Sarah Palin is far more representative of black American women than (for example) Hillary Clinton ever will be."

Previous posts:
Obama vs LIFE
Obama Is NOT King

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